They met in Paris at a conference. - If they hadn't gone to the conference in Paris, they wouldn't have met., The curry is a little tasteless. I should have put more spices in it. - If I had put more spices in the curry, it would have tasted better., I'm not very happy in my current job. Maybe I should quit and look for another. - If I found another job, I might be happier., Nicola is overweight because she doesn't get any exercise. - Nicola wouldn't be so overweight if she got some exercise., Laura fell in love with Tom. She left Liam - Laura wouldn't have left Liam if she hadn't fallen in love with Tom., They don't have enough money to buy a new car. - They'd buy a new car if they could afford one., I didn't know you wanted to go to the concert. I didn't buy you a ticket. - I would have bought you a ticket if I'd known that you wanted to go to the concert.,

Second and third conditional


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