1) What is the name of the game where you go searching for Easter eggs and collect them in a basket? a) Easter Smash b) Easter Adventure c) Easter Hide & Seek d) Easter Egg Hunt 2) Does Easter happen on the same day every year? a) Yes b) No c) Only on Leap Years 3) What type of hat is traditionally made and decorated at Easter for a special parade?  a) Egg Cap b) Bonnet c) Bunny Ears d) Hot Cross Hat 4) Which animal - apart from Easter Bunny- is commonly seen around Easter? a) chick  b) cow c) parrot d) sheep 5) What type of "cake - style" bun do people eat at Easter? a) Rainbow Bagel b) Cross- shaped bread c) Dinosaur Egg Pudding d) Hot Cross - Buns 6) For what reason are eggs commonly associated with Easter? (all over the Christian world) a) They are a good source of protein. b) They symbolise new life. c) To use up all the Christmas chocolate. d) Because they look so cool! 7) The first day of Holy Week celebrates Jesus' arrival in Jerusalem riding on which animal? a) Donkey b) Lamb c) Camel d) White Horse 8) Most places celebrate by painting eggs in rainbow colours, but which country only has red Easter Eggs? a) Italy b) German c) Greece d) China 9) What is the religious name for the 40 days before Easter? a) Rent b) Lentil c) Dry January d) Lent 10) What is the name of the meal eaten on Maundy Thursday in the Bible? a) The Big Dinner b) The First Banquet c) The Last Supper d) The First Supper

Easter Quiz


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