1) vásárolni megy a) go shopping b) go to the cinema c) do karate d) play tennis e) play the guitar f) ride my bike 2) moziba megy a) go shopping b) go to the cinema c) do karate d) play tennis e) play the guitar f) ride my bike 3) karatézik a) go shopping b) go to the cinema c) do karate d) play tennis e) play the guitar f) ride my bike 4) teniszezik a) go shopping b) go to the cinema c) do karate d) play tennis e) play the guitar f) ride my bike 5) gitározik a) go shopping b) go to the cinema c) do karate d) play tennis e) play the guitar f) ride my bike 6) biciklizem a) go shopping b) go to the cinema c) do karate d) play tennis e) play the guitar f) ride my bike

Activities for Young Stars 4- Unit 5


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