Tilt - Earth's position on it's axis, Rotate - Earth spinning on it's axis, Revolve - Earth moving around the sun, Star - gas and dust - emits light, Shadow - shorter at noon, Season - created by earth's tilt, Distance - far or near, nebula - cloud of dust - stary nursery or death, dwarf - small star, supergiant - massive star, Light Year - time it takes light to travel, gravity - the pulling force, asteroid belt - region between the inner and outer planets, asteroid - Large and small rocks or metallic masses orbiting the Sun, celestial objects - Objects, such as planets, moons, and stars, coma - Glowing, heated dust and vaporized gas that surrounds the icy comet nucleus, comet - A celestial body of ice, dust, and rock, moon - A celestial body that revolves around a planet, orbit - A curved path followed by a satellite , planet - A large celestial body that revolves around a star,


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