1) You ..................... to feed the dog, I've already done it. a) mustn't b) can't c) shouldn't d) don't have 2) I think you ............. visit your grandma more often. a) should b) have to c) must d) can 3) Look at the sign! You ............. take photos in the gallery. a) mustn't b) shouln't c) needn't d) don't have to 4) All right, we've finished. You .......... have a break now. a) must b) can c) have to d) not have to 5) I ............. study hard if I want to pass the exam. a) can't b) can c) have to d) must 6) I ............ to finish this task today. It's in the contract. a) must b) have c) can d) has 7) ........... I take this handbag into the museum? Is it allowed? a) can b) should c) must d) do have to 8) You .................. buy her that Britney CD. It's not a good idea. a) mustn't b) can't c) shouldn't d) don't have to. 9) You .............. smoke in the hospital. a) mustn't b) don't have to c) have to d) can't 10) I've already phoned Jane, you ........... do it again. a) must b) needn't to c) mustn't d) don't have to 11) I ................ go to the party. I'm not sure. a) must b) need c) have d) might 12) You ............. get a new pen.You can use mine. a) don't need to b) needn't to c) mustn't d) can't 13) You ................ bring a sandwich, because we didn't order lunch. a) need b) need to c) can d) don't have to 14) ............ I come in? - Yes, sit down. a) may b) have to c) must d) should 15) You ............. tell Adam about the party. It's a surprise. a) mustn't to b) needn't c) can't d) mustn't 16) You look tired. I suppose you ............. take a break. a) should b) must c) have to d) don't have to 17) You .... learn grammar. It's necessary to learn any language. a) have to b) ought c) mustn't d) need 18) I don't think you ..... drink any more of this cola. You're going to get sick. a) can b) must c) have to d) should




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