1) The boy is ________ the wall. a) on b) behind c) under 2) The girl is ________ the tree. a) on b) in c) behind 3) The ball is _______ the box. a) in b) behind c) under 4) The mouse is ______the box. a) behind b) under c) on 5) The apple is ______ the box. a) on b) behind c) under 6) The rabbit is ______TV. a) in b) under c) on 7) The dog is ______ the table. a) on b) in c) under 8) The dog is sleeping ______ the table. a) in b) on c) under 9) The  angry cat is ______ the red closet. a) behind b) under c) in 10) The red book is ________ the table. a) under b) behind c) in 11) The nightable is ________the lamp. a) on b) under c) behind 12) The big ball is ________ the box. a) in b) on c) under 13) The sweets are in _______ the jar. a) behind b) on c) in 14) The little bird is _______ the box. a) on b) behind c) in 15) The cat is ______the red bag. a) in b) under c) on

U1: Prepositions 3rd Grade


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