1) Do you wake up early in the morning? a) yes, I was up  b) no. I don't  c) yes, I wake up early in the morning. d) yes, I wako uf early in the morning. e) yes I wake wake 2) Do You get up and take a shower? a) do you yess b) yes, I am  c) no, I don't  d) yes, I get up and take a shower. e) yes, I got up and take a shower. f) yes, I get up and toke a shower. 3) How many times do you brush your teeth? a) I brush my teeth onces b) I brush my teeth tuice c) three times d) I brush my teeth two times a day. e) I brosh mi teeth two times a day. f) I brush my teeth tuo times a day. 4) Who combs your hair? a) mi mother b) bay myself c) by myself d) it is mi e) you man f) yes I 5) Do you watch television before you go to sleep? a) yes, y watch television before I go to sleep. b) yes, I wotch television before I go to sleep. c) yes, I woch television before I go to sleep. d) yes, I watch television before I go to sleep. e) yes, ai watch television before I go to sleep. f) yes, I watch television befor I go to sleep.


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