What is the weather like today? - It is sunny and hot. Feels like summer. , What will the weather be like tomorrow? - Tomorrow it will be a sunny day. , What food do you dislike? - I hate eating wasabi thinking it was guacamole. , Where will you spend your vacations? - I'm going to spend vacations with my friends in Manzanillo. , What time do you go to bed? - I like to go to bed at 10pm., How much money do you have? - I have zero dollars. , How do you feel? - I feel like I need to have a break from work. , Are you feeling better? - Yes, I'm feeling much better. Thanks for asking!, What are your plans for the weekend? - From Friday to Sunday, I'm going to Tapalpa with my friends. , What did you do today? - I just finished doing my homework. , What do you do in the Summer? - In summer, I love sun-bathing, swimming, and having fun with my family or with my friends.., Where do you go to leave for Vacation? - On my vacation leave I will go to Mazatlan. , Can you pass me my phone, please? - Sure, here it is. , Where do you go buy food? - I buy food at the supermarket. , Where do you go watch a movie? - I love going to the cinema, but I also watch movies at home., Where do you go to buy medicine? - I go to the pharmacy., Where do you go buy coffee? - I love going to Starbucks., Where do you go when you are in trouble with the law? - If we get in trouble we are going to get us arrested by the police. , Where do you go to sleep? - I always sleep on my bed. , Where do you go to learn? - I love learning at school and studying in the library., Where do you go buy clothes? - I buy clothes at the mall or at the street shops., Where do you go to have a baby? - To the hospital.,

Speaking Checklist: Points 41-60 I can ask and answer.


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