Mostly Negative Comments : Why doesn’t he joke about something different? All his one-liners are lavatorial. His style resembles a lot those toilet jokes., His jokes are so predictable, even lame and corny (cornball) I’d say. When he starts a line, I already know how it’s going to end. They are really trite., Jeremy is the one with the frat boy humour. He gets drunk and laughs about disabled people, makes racist or sexual comments. It’s so off-putting., Jack thinks that strange and unpleasant things are funny. He’s got a really warped sense of humour. , Mostly Positive Comments: He’s a goofy person, yeah a goofball, just like Jim Carry., She is a witty comedian with saucy, spicy remarks and a dead-pan, dry sense of humour. She cracks a joke with such a straight face that everyone thinks she’s being really serious., She’s so bold as a comedian! Her style can be described as ribald – rude, nasty and often about sex. But her off-colour jokes get the audience in stitches!,



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