1) bilim insanı a) test tubes b) steam engine c) scientist d) small pox 2) akademisyen a) Academician b) operate the machine c) compass d) theorist 3) kurucu a) Co-founder b) cancer c) heart chip d) development 4) kuramcı a) Co-founder b) theorist c) research d) Academician 5) belden aşağısı felçi a) compass b) reseacher c) cancer d) paraplegic 6) süreç,yöntem a) currently b) process c) vaccine d) paraplegic 7) kuduz aşısı a) research b) test tubes c) Rabies vaccine d) common features 8) araştırmak a) paraplegic b) theorist c) research d) binocular 9) araştırmacı a) honorary degrees b) reseacher c) small pox d) vaccine 10) çiçek hastalığı a) wheel chair b) currently c) small pox d) compass 11) aşı a) wheel chair b) theorist c) Co-founder d) vaccine 12) test tüpleri a) reseacher b) Rabies vaccine c) test tubes d) Co-founder 13) pusula a) development b) compass c) test tubes d) reseacher 14) baskı makinesi,yazıcı a) printing press b) currently c) Co-founder d) well-known 15) dürbün a) binocular b) honorary degrees c) test tubes d) Rabies vaccine 16) tekerlikli sandalye a) vaccine b) heart chip c) wheel chair d) printing press 17) kalp çipi a) heart chip b) operate the machine c) theorist d) development 18) buhar makinesi a) scientific actions b) vaccine c) steam engine d) well-known 19) gelişme a) printing press b) scientific actions c) development d) paraplegic 20) şimdiki,geçerli,tedavülde a) test tubes b) well-known c) development d) currently 21) bilimsel eylemler a) Academician b) well-known c) wheel chair d) scientific actions 22) onur derecesi a) operate the machine b) theorist c) honorary degrees d) vaccine 23) makineyi kullanmak a) foundation b) printing press c) test tubes d) operate the machine 24) ortak özellikler a) Rabies vaccine b) common features c) printing press d) currently 25) kurum a) reseacher b) foundation c) theorist d) steam engine 26) iyi bilinen,ünlü a) well-known b) scientific actions c) paraplegic d) small pox 27) kanser a) wheel chair b) cancer c) process d) Academician

8th grade unit 9 science


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