1) Have you got a desk in your bedroom? a) No, I haven't. b) Yes, I have. c) Yes, it is. d) No, it isn't. 2) Have you got a lamp in your bedroom? a) No, I haven't. b) Yes, it is. c) Yes, I have. d) No, it isn't. 3) Have you got pictures in your bedroom? a) Yes, I can. b) No, I can't. c) No, I haven't. d) Yes, I have. 4) Have you got a TV in your bedroom? a) Yes, I have. b) Yes, I can. c) Yes, it is. d) No, it isn't. 5) Have you got a window in your bedroom? a) Yes, it is. b) No, I haven't. c) Yes, I have. d) No, I can't. 6) Have you got a plant in your bedroom? a) No, it isn't. b) No, I haven't. c) Yes, I can. d) Yes, I have. 7) Have you got a rug in your bedroom? a) Yes, I have. b) No, I can't. c) Yes, it is. d) No, I haven't. 8) Have you got a wardrobe in your bedroom? a) No, I haven't. b) Yes, I have. c) Yes, it is. d) No, it isn't. 9) Have you got a mirror in your bedroom? a) Yes, I can. b) Yes, it is. c) Yes, I have. d) No, I haven't. 10) Have you got a plant in your bedroom? a) No, I haven't. b) Yes, it is. c) No, it isn't. d) Yes, I have.

Flat Number 6 (Have you got a ...? Yes, I have / No, I haven't).


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