1) What word means practicing and learning a new skill? a) suspiciously b) confused c) training 2) What word means looking or acting in a way like you do not trust someone or something? a) sensible b) suspiciously c) upset 3) What word means you do not understand what is happening or what to do? a) confused b) ordinary c) control 4) What word means showing or having good sense or judgment? a) cage b) sensible c) upset 5) What word means not special or different in any way? a) ordinary b) confused c) suspiciously 6) What word means the power to manage or direct something? a) training b) cage c) control 7) What word means a structure of made of wire or heavy bars to keep something inside it? a) cage b) upset c) confused 8) What word means when someone is worried or unhappy about something? a) sensible b) upset c) ordinary

Journeys L26 The Mysterious Tadpole: Vocabulary Game


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