the skill or activity of getting information from books - reading, the activity of dressing as and pretending to be a character from a film, TV programme, comic book, etc. - cosplaying, the activity of going somewhere quickly on foot, as a sport or for pleasure - running, the skill or activity of making a picture or putting paint on a wall - painting, most popular leisure activity in the world - watching TV, the art, process, or job of taking pictures with a camera - photography, the activity of looping yarns together, making a thing that is being knitted - knitting, the act of making a picture with a pencil or pen, or a picture made in this way - drawing, making food - cooking, spending time doing an enjoyable and/or entertaining activity - playing, games that are played by moving pieces on a special board - board games, keeping a ball in the air with any part of the body - juggling, the Japanese art of paper folding - origami,


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