am / 'm: I ... going to be a lawyer when I'm older. , I ... going to go to the cinema at 2 pm. , I ... going to do more sport this summer., I ... going to be late! , I ... going to play football. , I ... going to make dinner. , is / 's: My sister ... going to study at university. , George ... going to read more books. , Helen ... going to spend less money on clothes., Look at the clouds! It ... going to rain. , She ... going to go grocery shopping. , My dog ... going to eat. , are / 're: We ... not going to get up late at weekends. , They ... not going to eat any junk food. , They ... going to get married. , We ... going to visit grandma. , My friends ... going to play bowling. , The girls ... going to go shopping after lunch. ,

Going to + be (group sort)


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