hordes - Most people don't like travelling to places where there will be ... of other tourists., virgin - The railway is being extended into areas of ... forest., awe-inspiring - The building was ... in size and design., ramble - They do enjoy exercise and a ... in the countryside and through the woods., unrivalled - This hotel has a well-earned reputation for ... luxury, superb cuisine and discreet service., stunning - Nepal is ..., with its wild, untamed landscape., hike - We went for a 10-mile ... around the lake., trek - For the first time ever, an all-women group of porters, tour leaders, and clients will do a ... together to Machu Picchu., unbeatable - These resorts, like Magaluf and Arenal, remain ... in terms of price., wealth - Glendale is located near a ... of outdoor activities including biking trails, jogging tracks and horseback riding., scenic - Many passes are traversed by the railways, especially the splendid ... route of the Denver and Rio Grande., waterfront - This park has 600 feet of ..., which makes the site a great location for campers., discerning - Completely renovated in 2001, it is now a deluxe boutique property combining cutting edge design with luxurious comfort for the ... traveler., savour - ... the sights and smells of the age of steam in the National Railway Museum., tract - A vast ... of land is ready for development., unwind - To ..., there are a plethora of bars to choose from or you could hit one of the city's great nightspots., boast - Athens was at this time the centre of intellectual life, and could ... an almost unique galaxy of talent., recharge - Every year I make a pilgrimage to Green Field to ... my faith in creating a better world., heartland - We then headed west towards the ... of Poland., paradise - The hotel felt like ... after two weeks of camping.,

Vocabulary in Use Advanced Unit 27 Attracting Tourists


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