1) Tom ... (play) with his friends yesterday. a) plaied b) played c) playd 2) I... (see) my friends yesterday afternoon. a) saw b) seed c) seeed 3) Brian ... (finish) his homework late yesterday. a) finishied b) finishd c) finished 4) Martin ... (go) to the museum last weekend. a) went b) goed c) god 5) Peter and Anna ... (arrive) at the airport at 2 o'clock yesterday. a) arrivd b) arrived c) arriveed 6) He ... (clean) his room yesterday. a) cleaned b) cleand c) cleanied 7) The students ... (study) really hard at the primary school. a) studed b) studyed c) studied 8) I ... (watch) TV last night. a) watching b) watched c) watchd 9) Rob ... (walk) to the zoo last weekend. a) walking b) walkd c) walked 10) Jane ... (talk) to her friends yesterday morning. a) talkd b) talking c) talked

Young Starts 4 - Past Simple


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