1) Which of the following mineral functions by building strong bones and teeth a) Iodine b) Calcium c) iron d) Sodium 2) Which of the following food items is the best source of plant proteins a) Milk b) Egg c) Legumes d) Cheese 3) Iron , a biological nutrient is found in human body in a) Bones b) iron c) hair d) All of these 4) carbohydrates and fats containing food are called a) protective food b) fibrous food c) body building food d) energy -giving food 5) The fat soluble vitamins are a) Vitamin B and Vitamin C b) Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E c) Vitamin A and Vitamin B d) none of the above 6) identify the disease a) Scurvy b) Rickets c) Beri-Beri d) Marasmus 7) Starch can be tested using a) caustic soda b) copper sulphate c) fehling solution d) Iodine solution 8) Which of the following nutrients help us to fight diseases? a) Proteins b) Carbohydrates c) Vitamins d) Roughage 9) percentage of water in our body is a) 50% b) 60% c) 70% d) 100% 10) The indigestible materials in food are known as a) carbohydrates b) proteins c) Fats d) Roughages 11) Over nutrition can cause a) night blindness b) anemia c) goitre d) obesity 12) Which of the following is good source of Vitamin C? a) egg b) lemon c) coconut d) banana 13) Which of the following food items does not provide dietary fiber? a) whole grain b) whole pulses c) fruits and vegetables d) milk 14) Which of the following food item does not provide any nutrient? a) tomato soup b) orange juice c) water d) milk 15) Choose the cereal among following? a) musturd b) almond c) wheat d) grain 16) The first link in all food chain is a) herbivores b) omnivores c) plants d) carnivores 17) Which of the following stems are edible? a) ginger, onion, potato b) carrot, radish, pumpkin c) carrot, ginger, onion d) onion, potato, garlic 18) Milk giving animals are called a) diary animals b) milch animals c) milk animals d) none of this 19) Identify the spice a) wheat b) banana c) apple d) salt 20) The sugar present is fruits is a) lactose b) glactose c) fructose d) sucrose

Grade 6 Science


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