1) + Have you got any plans for tomorrow?  - Yes, I ................ visit my grandparents. a) am going to b) will 2) If you don't take a taxi, you ................ arrive on time. a) won't b) are not going to 3) + Why is she learning Spanish?   - She ................. travel to Spain. a) will b) is going to 4) + We are thirsty.   -  Wait here. I .................. get some water. a) am going to b) will 5) + Oh! I haven't got enough money to pay! - Don't worry. I ............... lend you some. a) 'll (will) b) am going to 6) + I can't climb this tree.  - Don't worry. I .................... help you a) am gonna (going to) b) will 7) + Are you free tomorrow?   - Sorry. I ................. study for the exam. a) will b) am going to 8) I think I ................ always love that woman. a) am going to b) will 9) + What do you want the keys for?   - I ................... close the door a) 'll b) 'm going to 10) + Meat or fish?   - I ............... have some fish, please a) 'll b) 'm going to 11) + We need one more player. - ....................... play with us tomorrow? a) Are you going to b) Will you 12) What ................. do if you win the lottery? a) will you b) are you going to 13) This shirt is really nice but I think it ................ be very expensive. a) will b) is going to 14) + Why do you want so many oranges?   - I ................ make an orange juice. a) will b) am going to 15) + Did you speak to Sara?  - Oh, no! I ................. phone her right now. a) 'm going to b) 'll 16) + Would you like to go to the cinema?  - No, sorry. I ................. clean the house. a) 'll b) 'm going to 17) + Why are you switching on the TV?  - I .................... watch a football match. a) 'm going to b) 'll 18) + Where does that noise come from?  - I don't know. I ............... have a look. a) 'll b) 'm going to 19) They have made a decision. They .................... lose weight next year. a) will b) are going to 20) She can't play with you. She .................. have a shower. a) 'll b) 's going to 21) + It's starting to rain!  - Ok. I .................. take an umbrella. a) 'll b) 'm going to 22) + What are you going to do this evening?  - I don't know. Maybe I .............. play golf. a) 'm going to b) 'll 23) I .................... buy some food. Do you want to come with me? a) 'm going to b) 'll 24) + ............... come to the party?  - Sorry. I have to work. a) Will you b) Are you going to 25) Can I have a glass, please? I ................ drink some water. a) 'll b) 'm going to

Will or Be Going To


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