How many languages do you know? Which ones would you like to know?, Say 'hello', 'bye', 'please', and 'thank you' in as many languages you can., What's in your opinion the best way to learn a language? How do you learn languages?, Have you ever heard/saw any text in Esperanto? What do you know about this language?, What languages are taught in Polish schools? Why do you think these ones?, What is the strangest language in your opinion? Why is it bizarre?, Have you ever had a pen-friend from outside Poland? How did you communicate?, Can you name the languages considered the most difficult and the simplest to learn?, Would you agree that when in comes to international holiday the less you know the language the better to communicate? Why/why not?, Do you know any funny words in foreign languages?, What are false friends? Do you know any in any languages?, Which is more important - vocabulary or grammar? Which is easier for you to learn?, Why are so many people afraid of speaking a foreign language? Are you afraid?, Would you agree that it's easier to say some things in other languages? Or that they have less meaning?.


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