1) Quais das alternativas apresenta somente Modal verbs? a) Am, is b) Have, can, must c) Should, may, can, must d) Write, drive, livce e) Should, may, had, make f) May, am, is, she 2) O que o verbo Can expressa? a) Permissão, capacidade, habilidade e possibilidade b) conselho, recomendação, sugestão c) pedido, desejo 3) O que o verbo Must expressa? a) obrigação, proibição ou dedução b) convite, sugestão c) pedido, possibilidade, permissão 4) Qual das frases apresenta o uso correto do Should? a) Should you help me do my homework? b) It should rain tomorrow c) Should we travel to Miami d) You should listen to your mother. 5) Qual desses modais são usados em situações formais? a) Can and Should b) May and Could c) Must and Might d) Must and Could 6) Teacher, ...... I go to the bathroom? a) Should b) Could c) Might d) May  7) He ...... cook very well a) Can b) Should c) Might 8) ...... you be wrong about this? a) Couldn't b) Mightn't c) Shouldn't 9) You really ...... be late again. a) Cannot b) Couldn’t c) Shouldn't d) Mustn’t 10) I was using my pencil a minute ago. It ...... be here somewhere! a) Must b) Can c) Should d) Could


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