1) Greetings: from 7:00am to 11:59am we say... a) Good morning b) Good afternoon c) Good evening d) Good night 2) Find the correct answer: How are you? a) I am 34 years old b) Very well, thank you c) You are welcome d) My name is Julie 3) Find the correct answer: How old are you?  a) I am from Germany b) I am good, thank you c) Good afternoon d) I am 20 years old 4) Select the correct sentence: age a) I have 27 years old b) I am 27 years old c) I 27 years old d) I old 27 5) Select the WRONG answer: Introduce someone else a) This is....Maria b) That is...Maria c) This.... Maria d) She works in the Sales Department 6) Nationality: I am... a) Belgium b) Belgian c) Belgique 7) Saying goodbye: select the WRONG one a) Goodbye b) See you later c) Hello d) Bye 8) A: Thank you for the document! B: ...... a) Safe travels! b) You are welcome! c) No worries! 9) Select the CORRECT sentence: a) I have 3 children b) I have 3 child c) I am 3 children d) I am 3 child 10) Select the CORRECT sentence a) I live IN London b) I live AT London c) I live ON London d) I live London

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