1) What's the 6th (SIXTH) letter of the alphabet? a) E b) F c) G 2) What's the 3rd (THIRD) day of the week? a) Tuesday b) Wednesday c) Thursday 3) When is the Independence Day in Brazil? a) April 21st (TWENTY-FIRST) b) September 7th (SEVENTH) c) November 15th (FIFTEENTH) 4) What's the 12th (TWELFTH) month of the year? a) October b) November c) December 5) What's the 20th (TWENTIETH) letter of the alphabet? a) R b) S c) T 6) What's the 7th (SEVENTH) day of the week? a) Thursday b) Friday c) Saturday 7) When is the Children's Day in Brazil? a) October 6th (SIXTH) b) October 12th (TWELFTH) c) October 14th (FOURTEENTH) 8) What's the 5th (FIFTH) letter of your teacher's name? a) I b) S c) A 9) In alphabetical order, who is the 8th (EIGHTH) student in your class? a) Natália b) Lucas c) Miguel 10) What's the 9th (NINTH) month of the year? a) August b) September c) October



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