Tim's dog is good at ____. I like ____ to you. We can ____ on the phone later. We do lots of ____ in PE class. Can you ____ a horse? Victor enjoys ____ horses. It is polite to ____ at a person when they are talking to you. Jane can ____ faster than anyone else in the class. Are you ____ out the window? Some birds ____ south for the winter. Everyone was ____ along with the music. Lauren is ____ because she has a cold. You need to use two hands to ____. I was ____ it would not rain today. Is it warm enough to ____ in the sea? Wash your hands after you ____. ____ is good exercise. Can you ____ this page for me? The team ____ to win the game. I wonder what time they will ____. The airplane was ____ overhead. It would be faster to ____ than to walk. We learned the dance by ____ the teacher. The train is ____ now.

Jolly Grammar Suffixes 'ing' Missing Word


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