say the days of the week?, sleep 1) in a bus; 2) in a plane; 3) with the light on?, 1) ride a bike; 2) ride a motorbike; 3) ride a horse?, say "I love you" in three languages?, make 1) a cake; 2) a cocktail; 3) a pizza?, play 1) the piano; 2) the guitar; 3) the violin?, spell these numbers 1) 8; 2) 30; 3) 100?, count down from 20 to 1?, say "hello" in five languages?, name five countries in Africa?, say "red lorry yellow lorry" three times?, name 10 colours?, name 10 capital cities?, 1) ski; 2) skate; 3) swim?, 1) dance well; 2) sing well; 3) draw well?.


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