What is a common first date like in your country?, What are your hobbies? How often do you do these hobbies?, How much free time do you usually have?, What do you do when you have trouble sleeping?, What time do you usually go to sleep? What time do you usually get up?, What is the first thing you do in the morning?, What music is popular in your country right now?, What makes a good first date in your opinion?, What is your dream job?, What foods do you dislike? Why?, What do you think about artificial beauty (cosmetic surgery)?, Can you be too young to be in love? Why/why not?, How often do you set goals for yourself, In your home, who usually cooks?, How well do you manage your money?, How often do you save money? Why?, How often do you plan things? Why?, What are your plans for your English?, Are you reading any books right now?, What is your favorite book? Why?, What's your favorite month? Why?, Do you like celebrating your birthday? Why / Why not?, Where do you like spending your time?.



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