1) The brand of the product is a) Breeze b) Baba c) Campbell's 2) Description of the product a) Tomato soup b) Mushroom soup c) Chicken soup 3) Quantity received a) 16 b) 18 c) 14 4) The Brand of the product a) 7-Up b) Schweepes c) Himalayan 5) Description of the product  a) Mineral water b) Cream Soda c) Energy water 6) Quantity received a) 20 b) 16 c) 18 7) The Brand of the product a) Baba's b) Masterfood c) McCormick 8) Description of the product a) blackpepper corns b) Curry powder c) Tumeric powder 9) Quantity received a) 22 b) 24 c) 30 10) The Brand of the product a) Masterfoods b) Maggi c) Heinz 11) Description of the product a) Chicken stock b) Tomato sauce c) Chilli sauce 12) Quantity received a) 28 b) 30 c) 32 13) The Brand of the product a) Breeze b) Top c) Comfort 14) Description of the product a) Power clean softener b) Power clean powder detergent c) Power clean liquid detergent 15) Quantity received a) 14 b) 18 c) 16

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