1. Give an example of social behaviour that is frowned ____ among your friend / in your company. 2. How would you feel if your close friend called you ____ and grumpy behind your back? What would you do? 3. What should happen to make your partner think ____ of you? 4. How would you feel and what would you do if you told a joke and there was a ____ silence in the room instead of laughter? 5. What would you do if your boss told an anecdote but you didn’t see the funny ____ of it? Would you laugh pretending that you got the humour? 6. How often do you ____ about your health? 7. Could bad jokes ____ your relationships with your partner / your friends / boss? 8. What would you do if a person who you respect a lot was ____ on and on about something boring? Would you stop him / her or would continue listening and nodding politely?

Upper-Intermediate - Put my foot in it


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