MATERIALS - The choice of teaching__________ should correspond to the motivations of the students, CRITICAL PERIOD - Hypothesis according to which one is only capable of learning language between the age of 2 and 13, ROTE - The type of learning where the student can remember vocabulary lists of foreign words and their translations, TEACHER - Who can facilitate and influence L2 learning motivation, APTITUDE - The ability to learn a second language in an academic classroom, MLAT - Testing phonemic coding, grammatical sensitivity, inductive language learning ability, rote learning are all part of what test?, COGNITIVE - A person's style of thinking, INFORMAL - Children learn better in what type of situations?, ANALYTIC - Type of learner that relies primarily on grammatical sensivity, DEKEYSER - Whose research found that after 7 years of age the critical period diminishes?, EVEN - Type of learner that relies both on grammatical sensitivity and memory, INSTRUMENTAL - The type of motivation used by students for an ulterior motive , HIGH MOTIVATION - Something that causes successful learning, IMMERSION - Teaching the curriculum through L2, EMPATHY - Students who shared more_______ learned L2 pronunciation better, INTEGRATIVE - The type of motivation where student wants to incorporate into target culture, PRONUNCIATION - Which aspect of language do L2 young learners acquire faster than L2 adult ones?, INTELLIGENCE - A personality trait linked with school performance , FIELD-DEPENDENT - Style of thinking that relates to context, EXTROVERT - People's personality that relates to the objects outside themselves,


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