1) How many people are there in the picture? a) Two b) Three c) Four d) Five 2) What is standing between the woman and the boy? a) A toy b) A ghost c) A snowman d) A scarecrow 3) What does it have instead of a nose? a) A corn b) A cabbage c) A cucumber d) A carrot 4) What is happening to it? It is … a) melting b) freezing c) boiling d) sinking 5) Which toy is lying on the floor? A toy … . a) fox b) rabbit c) bus d) tram 6) What are the children wearing? a) Dresses b) Glasses c) Hats d) Shorts 7) How many buckets can you see in the picture? a) One b) Two c) Three d) Four 8) What is lying on the book? a) A ball b) A bowl c) A birdie d) A balloon 9) What’s on the floor near the window? a) A pen b) A birdie c) A toy car d) A toy hare 10) What is the weather like outside? It’s … a) rainy b) stormy c) sunny d) snowy

Look at the picture and answer the questions


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