1) Monitor a) Input b) Output c) Both (Input and output) 2) Keyboard a) Input b) Output c) Both (Input and Output) 3) Printer a) Input b) Output c) Both (Input and output) 4) Touch Screen a) Input b) Output c) Both (Input and output) 5) Mouse a) Input b) Output c) Both (Input and output) 6) Scanner a) Input b) Output c) Both (Input and output) 7) Headphones a) Input b) Output c) Both (Input and output) 8) Microphone a) Input b) Output c) Both (Input and output) 9) Speaker a) Input b) Output c) Both (Input and output) 10) Webcam a) Input b) Output c) Both (Input and output) 11) Joy stick a) Input b) Output c) Both (Input and output) 12) Games controller a) Input b) Output c) Input or output 13) Card reader a) Input b) Output c) Both (Input and output)


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