1) A long period without rain. a) Drought b) Flood c) Hurricane d) Earthquake 2) A lot of rain covers the earth. a) Windy b) Avalanche c) Fog d) Flood 3) Large amount of snow rolling down the hill. a) Blizzard b) Avalanche c) Earthquake d) Volcanic Eruption 4) Shake under the ground. a) Drought b) Flood c) Avalanche d) Earthquake 5) Hot rocks, fire and stream suddenly come out of the ground. a) Disaster b) Drought c) Volcanic Eruption d) Flood 6) the sliding down of a mass of earth or rock from a mountain or cliff. a) Thunderstorm b) Tornado c) Hurricane d) Landslide 7) A violent  burst of energy a) explosion b) sandstorm c) snow d) cloudy 8) A heavy fall of snow, especially with a high wind. a) Tornado b) Snowstorm c) Flood d) Hurricane 9) The occurrence of a natural electrical discharge of very short duration and high voltage a) Drought b) Lightning c) Flood d) Tsunami 10) A bunch of trees burning in a large area. a) Volcanic eruption b) Earthquake c) Flood d) Forest Fire

Natural Disasters


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