Paul Cadden - drawing, Leonardo da Vinci - sketch, Van Gogh - self-portrait, Paul Cézanne - still life, Wassily Kandinsky - abstract painting, a series of musical notes, especially one that is pleasant and easy to remember - tune, the words of a song - lyrics, an event at which objects such as paintings are shown to the public - exhibition, a place where works of art are shown and can be bought - art gallery, a work of art such as a painting, film, or book that is made with great skill - masterpiece, Michelangelo - sculpture, Claude Monet - landscape, a part of a play or film in which the action stays in one place for a continuous period of time - scene, a person represented in a film, play, or story - character, a large group of musicians who play many different instruments together and are led by a conductor - orchestra, a performance of music by one or more musicians or singers - concert,

Gateway B1+ unit 8 vocabulary


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