This week's community hero is ____. What are community heroes? They're people like you and me. They're heroes because they ____ their community. They're often ____ or ____ or ____. This is Denise's twenty-fifth year in the Mountain Rescue volunteers. The Mountain Rescue volunteersHundreds of people walk in the Irish ____. People love the mountains, but the mountains are sometimes ____. The weather is often bad. It's foggy or it snows. People sometimes have ____ on the mountains. The Mountain Rescue volunteers are always ready to help. Denise: a hero on the mountainDenise works in an ____. When there's a problem on the mountains, she stops work. She puts on her walking boots and ____, finds her backpack and goes to help. "We're sometimes on the mountain for 24 ____. she says. "It's a long time. But that's not important. It's ____ to find and help people. That's why I'm a ____." Well done, Denise!

Community hero of the week by Mary Kelly (Bright Ideas 3 - Lesson 7)


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