In 1588, King Phillip II of Spain decides to attack and conquer England. , July 1588, the Armada set sail from Cadiz harbour in Southern Spain., 29th July, the Spanish fleet are spotted off the coast of Cornwall. English ships follow them around the English Channel for one week, but fail to sink any Spanish ships., The Spanish fleet arrives in Calais on 5th August and wit for the soldiers to join their fleet - none arrive!, Under orders from Sir Francis Drake, the English begin to attack the Spanish fireships - old ships filled with straw, gun powder and pig fat - these are set on fire and launched at the Spanish. , The Spanish are panicked by the fireships, ships scatter all over the North Sea and the English continue to attack, The Spanish flee and attempt to return to Spain. However, they are caught up in a storm and most ships are damaged. , The Spanish soldiers in the damaged ships starve as thier food goes mould. Men who manage to get ashore around Scotland and Ireland..


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