Opal gets the idea of ____ for all of her new friends from ____. Gloria agrees to open her yard for the party and they ____ the menu. Opal ____ her friends. Opal and Gloria make egg-salad sandwiches ____ Dump Punch. And they ____ the yard with multicolored ____ paper and candles. Everybody comes to the party, including Opis with a pickle ____ and his ____. Gloria asks the preacher to ____ the party. After the blessing, they hear a ____ of thunder. Amanda says that they all should ____. Everyone gets into Gloria's ____ and is shaking off like ____. Then Opal realizes she doesn't see Winn-Dixie anywhere. Opal and the ____ walk all through ____ to look for Winn-Dixie. Opal ____ 10 things about Winn-Dixie that she could write on ____ to find him. The preacher says they need to get back to the party. then Opal tells the preacher that he always ____, that he pulls his head ____. After a kind of serious talking, they ____ each other better. When the preacher and Opal get to Gloria Dump's house, Gloria tells Opal that Winn-Dixie was in the house all along and had ____ asleep underneath Gloria's chair. The rain finally stops and the sky clears. Opal walks over to Gloria's ____. There is no wind, so the bottles aren't ____ against each other. Opal calls her mother just like she was standing right beside. She says that she misses her mother, but her hear doesn't ____ anymore. Dunlap Dewbery comes out to talk with her. On this night, Dunlap and Opal become friends.

K1 Because of Winn-Dixie ch20-26


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