1) What are two things you wear ON TOP? 2) What are two things you wear ON YOUR FEET? 3) What is something you wear in the WINTER? 4) What is something you do NOT wear in the winter? 5) Say two articles of clothing that are SINGULAR. (ex. A COAT) 6) Say an article of clothing with 'A PAIR' 7) Say two articles of clothing that are PLURAL (with 's') 8) What is your favorite article of clothing? Describe it! 9) What is an article of clothing that you NEVER wear? 10) What is the difference between a COAT and a JACKET? 11) What do you wear to go out? Describe it! 12) What do you wear when you are at home? 13) Do you prefer comfortable or stylish clothes? Explain why! 14) What is your favorite pair of shoes? Describe them! 15) What do you wear on to do exercise? Name two. 16) Are your clothes IN STYLE? 17) Do you have any clothes that are too big? Describe it! 18) Do you have any clothes that are too small? Describe it! 19) Do you have any clothes that don't fit you? What do you do with these clothes? 20) What is the difference between a SWEATER and a SWEATSHIRT? 21) Do you prefer clothes that are loose or tight? Why? 22) What clothes do you wear for work? Describe them! 23) What do you wear to go to bed?


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