1) Nosotros a) He b) She c) I d) We e) They f) All of them 2) Él a) She b) He c) You (formal) d) They (fem) e) Us f) Them 3) Usted a) You (informal) b) Them c) They d) You (formal) e) These f) Those 4) Ellas a) He b) She c) You (formal) d) They (fem) e) They (masc) f) You all 5) Vosotros a) You all (formal) b) We c) They d) You all (informal) e) Them f) Those 6) Yo a) You b) We all c) Those people d) I e) All of us f) He 7) Ustedes a) You (formal b) You all (informal) c) You all(formal) d) You (informal) e) We f) They

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