What do you think about teenagers who dye their hair blue, green, or another crazy color?, At what age should teenagers do make up in your opinion?, Do you think teenagers today show respect to adults? Teachers? Parents?, As a teenager, what do you think you contribute to society?, Would you rather be a child, a teenager or an adult? Why?, Are teenagers the same all over the world, in your opinion?, How do you feel about swearing? Do teenagers swear a lot?, Do parents really understand teenagers?, Should teenagers work? Why or why not?, Imagine you were a parent, what would you do if your teenage son or daughter shaved his head?, Are your teenage years enjoyable?, What are the worst things about being a teenager?, Can getting a tattoo be one of the ways of expressing your individuality?, At what age should teens be allowed to leave school, smoke, drink, drive, vote etc?, Do teenagers in your country have problems with drugs or alcohol?, Do you think parents should give much freedom to their teenagers? , Should male and female teens be given the same amount of freedom? Why or Why not?, If you were a parent and your teenage child did something wrong, how would you discipline him?/her?, Is wearing school uniforms a good idea?, Why are teenagers usually depressed?, Is teenage suicide a problem?, What do you think about teenagers and relationships? At what age can they start dating etc?, What can you say about teen pregnancies?, What is the best advice you could give to a teenager?, What are the advantages of being a teenager?, How has social media affected the teenagers of today?, As a teenager, how has fashion changed or affected your life?, What do you think are some important things parents can do for teens?.

Teen Life


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