1) What are the first Olympic games you remember? When and where? 2) How many Olympic sports can you name? 3) Which sports are your favorite? 4) How many medals did your country win in the last Olympics? 5) Which sport is your country good at? 6) Which are the next important games? 7) How is a country chosen to hold the games? 8) Is it good for the country that holds the events? 9) Which Olympic sports do you like to watch on TV? 10) Does your country do better in the summer or the winter Olympics? 11) Do countries spend too much money on the Olympics? 12) If we held the Olympics tomorrow in this class, in which sport would you win the gold? 13) If you had to change one Olympic sport, which sport would you take away and which sport would you add? 14) What are the most difficult Olympic sports? 15) What is the most boring sport at the Olympics? What is the most exciting?


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