1) A large region characterized by a specific type of climate and certain types of plant and animal communities. a) Tropical Grassland (Savanna) b) Biome c) Desert d) Tundra e) Coniferous Forest f) Tropical Rainforest 2) Often flat and have gently rolling hills, includes grasses and other flowering plants a) Tropical Grassland (Savanna) b) Biome c) Desert d) Tundra e) Temperate Grassland (Prarie) f) Tropical Rainforest 3) Often has scattered trees and is found in tropical and subtropical areas where seasonal rains, fires, and drought happens a) Tropical Grassland (Savanna) b) Biome c) Desert d) Tundra e) Temperate Grassland (Prarie) f) Tropical Rainforest 4) A region that has little or no plant life, long periods without rain, and extreme temperatures; usually found in hot climates. a) Tropical Grassland (Savanna) b) Biome c) Desert d) Tundra e) Temperate Grassland (Prarie) f) Tropical Rainforest 5) A treeless plain found in the Arctic or on the tops of mountains that is characterized by very low winter temperatures and short, cool summers. a) Tropical Grassland (Savanna) b) Biome c) Desert d) Tundra e) Temperate Grassland (Prarie) f) Tropical Rainforest 6) Characterized by coniferous forests consisting mostly of pines, spruces, and larches a) Deciduous Forest b) Biome c) Taiga (Boreal Forest) d) Tundra e) Coniferous Forest f) Tropical Rainforest 7) Dominated by trees that lose their leaves each year; found in areas with warm, moist summers and cool winters. a) Deciduous Forest b) Biome c) Taiga (Boreal Forest) d) Tundra e) Coniferous Forest f) Tropical Rainforest 8) Terrestrial biome found in temperate regions with warm summers, cool winters, and adequate rainfall to sustain a forest. a) Deciduous Forest b) Biome c) Taiga (Boreal Forest) d) Tundra e) Coniferous Forest f) Tropical Rainforest 9) Found in areas of tropical climate in which there is no dry season; they have more biological diversity than other places on Earth a) Deciduous Forest b) Biome c) Taiga (Boreal Forest) d) Tundra e) Coniferous Forest f) Tropical Rainforest 10) Marine biome; huge body of saltwater; covers about 71 percent of Earth's surface. a) Intertidal Zone b) Biome c) Oceanic Zone d) Ocean e) Benthic Zone f) Neritic Zone 11) The zone where ocean meets land; this area is exposed to the air for part of the day a) Intertidal Zone b) Biome c) Oceanic Zone d) Ocean e) Benthic Zone f) Neritic Zone 12) As you move farther away from the shore, the water becomes deeper, and the ocean floor starts to slope downward. a) Intertidal Zone b) Biome c) Oceanic Zone d) Ocean e) Benthic Zone f) Neritic Zone


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