1) Mention names of fruits starting with: S, A, O, P, G 2) Say something you always do on Mondays 3) Say a place you never go at the weekends. 4) What is the past form of the verb do? 5) What is the past form of the verb make? 6) Correct this sentence to make it right: I studied every day in the afternoon. 7) Correct this sentence to make it right: Bob goes to school at 7 a.m. He has breakfast after school. 8) What are the four meals we can have in a day? 9) What time does Karen go to break? (9:15) 10) When does Jake leave school? (12:30) 11) Complete the sentence: Jimmy ___________ his homework after school. 12) Complete the sentence: Nayla and Bia ___________ swimming three times a week. 13) Change this sentence to the negative form: Charles went to a party last week.

English Test Review - 2nd TRI


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