TRUE: Van Gogh was born in Netherlands., Van Gogh's father was a pastor., Van Gogh's mother was an artist., Van Gogh had 2 brothers., Van Gogh had 3 sisters., When he was 33, he moved to Paris., Van Gogh met his brother Théo in Paris., He painted a lot of self-portraits., He painted the day, the night, flowers, etc., His favourite color was yellow., FALSE: Van Gogh was born in Brazil., Van Gogh's father was a singer., Van Gogh's mother was a dancer., Van Gogh had 3 brothers., Van Gogh had 2 sisters., When he was 23, he moved to Paris., Van Gogh met his brother Théo in New York., He painted 1 self-portrait., He painted only the night., His favourite color was black.,


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