Introducing the topic: The graph shows… / The table reveals…, The chart displays… / The diagram illustrates…, Some interesting facts concerning… are revealed in the diagram., Several key trends are revealed by the graph showing…, Introducing the first set of data: Beginning with the…, To begin with the…, Let me begin by describing the…, Introducing the second set of data: Meanwhile, the… shows that…, As for the… , it shows that…, Turning to the… , it can be seen that…, Introducing the first major trend: First of all, it is clear that…, Most noticeably of all, it can be seen that…, The first result worth pointing out is that…, Exceptions to the main trend: However, this was not always the case., However, it should be pointed out that…, There was one noticeable exception, however., Comparing and contrasting: Similarly, … / By contrast, …, A similar trend can be observed in…, The results for… , however, reveal a markedly different trend., Concluding and summarising: To sum up, … / In summary, … / In short, …, Overall, … / On the whole, …, The main thing that can be observed here is that…,

IELTS - Writing task 1 - Academic


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