Shop assistant: Can I ____ you?Customer: Yes, have you got this T-shirt ____ other ____?Shop assistant: We’ve got it in white, black, red and purple. What ____ do you want?Customer: ____.Shop assistant: OK, in medium ____ got black and red.Customer: And in ____?Shop assistant: No, just black and ____.Customer: OK, red. Can I ____ it on?Shop assistant: Yes, of course. The ____ are over there.(pause)Shop assistant: Is it OK?Customer: Yes, I’ll ____ it.Shop assistant: That’s £10.95. Would you like to pay ____ credit card or ____ cash?Customer: ____ please. Here’s twenty.Shop assistant: OK, thanks, that’s nine pounds, 5 p ____ and here’s your ____.Customer: Thanks. Bye.

Shopping for clothes -


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