1) I am hungry. a) I don't care b) I will make you a sandwich c) I will give you some water 2) I'm so tired a) You should lie down and rest b) How are you c) You shouldn't stop 3) achoo! a) How are you? b) That's awful. c) Bless you! 4) Excuse me, how can I get to the station? a) You should run. b) Go straight on and the station is opposite the bank. c) You can't go to the station. 5) Enjoy your meal! a) I'm thirsty. b) I'm not hungry. c) Thanks! 6) Are you going for a trip? a) I was in the park. b) I will go to New York. c) No, I have to work this weekend. 7) I need your advice. a) What's up? b) I gave you advice. c) Of course, how can I help you? 8) I can't go to the cinema with you. a) Bless you. b) What a pity! c) That's great news! 9) Can I pay by card? a) Thank you. b) You don't need to pay. c) Sorry, cash only.

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