1) the opposite of sit a) sit b) fall c) retire d) stand 2) is for a means of transportation with wagons? a) air plane b) train c) bus d) car 3) is a type of public transportation? a) motorcycle b) car c) bus d) taxi 4) is for a motorized bike? a) skateboard b) rollerblades c) bicycle d) motorcycle 5) when you use your money, you.... it a) stand b) spend c) brave d) save 6) the caves are _____________ small. We can't go in. a) very small b) most small c) big small d) littlle small 7) the _________ (good) player a futboll is Cristiano Ronaldo. a) the best b) the bester c) the better d) bester 8) Monster is a __________ (excellent) energetic. a) most excellent b) very excellent c) big excellent d) excellenter 9) the tomb's ____________ (interesting) attraction a) most interesting b) more interesting c) very interesting d) interestinger 10) Pompeii is ___________ (big) preserved Roman ruin. a) more gig b) most big c) biggest d) bigger


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