Every one of my senses seemed to be preternaturally sharpened - in a way or to a degree that is beyond the ordinary course of nature; exceptionally or abnormally, I perseveringly sought out the cold corners of the bed - very determined, I convulsively coiled up my legs to my chin - to do something in an irregular, jerky way, I groaned with vexation as I felt I was in for a sleepless night - the state of being annoyed, frustrated, or worried., Unless I found some manner of diverting my mind,... - entertaining or amusing / keeping occupied, my brain was full of forebodings of every possible and impossible danger - a feeling that something bad will happen, The curtains were unwholesome - not characterized by or seen as being good to health or moral well-being, He was a sinister ruffian - a violent person, especially one involved in crime.,

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