1) These are.... a) eyes. b) ears. c) cheeks. d) lips. 2) These are.... a) teeth. b) ears. c) eyes. d) cheeks. 3) This is a.... a) mouth. b) nose. c) chin. d) head. 4) This is a.... a) nose. b) neck. c) chin. d) face. 5) This is a.... a) neck. b) chin. c) lip. d) nose. 6) This is a.... a) chin. b) neck. c) cheek. d) nose. 7) These are.... a) eyes. b) cheeks. c) ears. d) teeth. 8) These are.... a) lips. b) cheeks. c) teeth. d) eyes. 9) These are.... a) lips. b) ears. c) eyes. d) cheeks. 10) I can smell with my.... a) nose. b) eyes. c) ears. d) mouth. 11) I can taste with my.... a) ears. b) mouth. c) nose. d) eyes. 12) I can see with my.... a) nose. b) mouth. c) eyes. d) ears. 13) I can hear with my.... a) ears. b) mouth. c) nose. d) eyes.

Parts of the face.


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