1) What is she wearing? a) She's wearing a blouse, a skirt and shoes. b) She's wearing shorts, a t-shirt and trainers. c) She's wearing a dress and a hat. 2) What is he wearing? a) He's wearing a t-shirt, shorts and trainers. b) He's wearing a t-shirt, trousers and trainers. c) He's wearing a jumper, trousers and shoes. 3) What is she wearing? a) She's wearing a t-shirt, shorts and socks. b) She's wearing a skirt, a jacket and shoes. c) She's wearing a dress, socks and shoes. 4) What is he wearing? a) He's wearing a cap, a jacket, a t-shirt, trousers and trainers. b) He's wearing a hat, a jacket and trousers. c) He's wearing a cap, a jumper and trainers. 5) What is she wearing? a) She's wearing a t-shirt, trousers and trainers. b) She's wearing a t-shirt, a skirt and trainers. c) She's wearing a jumper, shorts and trainers.

What is she/he wearing?


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