1) I think I __ be a doctor. a) will b) going to 2) Why __ learn Chinese? a) will you b) are you going to 3) “These bags are heavy.” “Don’t worry, I __ help you.” a) will b) going to 4) The sky is dark. It __ rain. a) will b) is going to 5) Where do you think you __ live? a) will b) are going to 6) After university I __ work in Paris. a) will b) am going to 7) How many children do you think you __ have? a) will b) are going to 8) The plane is on fire! It __ crash! a) will b) is going to 9) “I’m hungry.” “OK. I __ give you a sandwich.” a) will b) am going to 10) Do you think he __ win the match? a) will b) is going to 11) They __ travel round the world at the end of this year. a) will b) are going to 12) Why do you think she __ be in Rome? a) will b) is going to 13) The young woman has a big belly. She __ have a baby. a) will b) is going to 14) “I’ve lost my money.” ”I __ give you some.” a) will b) am going to 15) Look! He __ fall into the hole. a) will b) is going to 16) I think we __ miss the train. a) will b) are going to 17) I __ do the shopping. Do you need anything? a) will b) am going to 18) There are some bottles in the fridge. There __ be a party. a) will b) is going to 19) Perhaps I __ write a novel one day. a) will b) am going to 20) Oh my God! It’s ten o’clock. We __ miss the bus! a) will b) are going to 21) Ann __ probably pass all her exams. a) will b) is going to 22) I don’t think we __ have a good holiday. a) will b) are going to 23) “I have a terrible headache.” “Don’t worry, I __ get you an aspirin.” a) will b) am going to 24) We __ get married next month. a) will b) are going to 25) Do you think they __ get married next month? a) will b) are going to

Will or Going to?


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